
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my organization is qualified for funding from the Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation?

Please thoroughly review the funding priorities in each of our strategic funding pillars (Human Services, Health & Medical, Education, Arts & Culture, and Spirituality). Then complete the eligibility quiz on our website to evaluate organizational eligibility and grant request alignment with Halle Foundation’s funding priorities. You will receive access to the Halle Foundation’s online grants management portal if your organization is eligible.

What are the grant guidelines to be eligible for a grant? 

To be considered for a grant, an organization:

  • Must be in operation and have 501(c)(3) status for at least three (3) years, preferably five (5) years.
  • Must have filed a Form 990 tax return with the IRS within the last year.
  • Must have audited financial statements by an independent accountant within the last (18) months.
  • Must be headquartered in Arizona, with the majority of staff, services provided, and requested funding in Arizona.
  • Must have an annual cash budget of a minimum of $500,000, preferably $1,000,000 or more.
  • Must be mission aligned with The Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation’s funding pillars and priorities.
  • Must have a conversation with Diane & Bruce Halle Foundation Staff prior to any submission.

How do I apply?

Complete the Eligibility Quiz on our website to evaluate organizational eligibility and receive access to the online grants management portal if eligible. All stages of inquiries must be submitted via the Halle Foundation’s online grants management portal. 

Applying for a Halle Foundation Grant is a two-stage process: 

  1. Schedule a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) Discussion with Halle Foundation Staff as you prepare and submit your LOI with up to three (3) concepts for consideration. The Halle Foundation Staff will review the LOI with the Grants Committee. You will be notified via email if your LOI is approved, and what concept(s) are approved to submit a full Application.
  2. Submit a full Application for the concept(s) selected by the Halle Foundation for further consideration. The Halle Foundation Staff will review the Application with the Board of Directors. You will be notified via phone and/or email of the Board’s decision. 

The Halle Foundation has three grant cycles per year. The Halle Foundation Board meets three times per year to make grant decisions. The deadlines for each stage of the process are listed below:

LOI Concept Due Date

Application Due Date

Board Meeting

November 15th

January 13th


February 15th

April 11th


July 15th

September 19th


What is the process after I submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI)?

The Halle Foundation has a two-stage grant proposal process:

  1. Schedule an LOI Discussion with Halle Foundation Staff as you prepare and submit your LOI with up to three (3) concepts for consideration. 
  2. Submit a full Application for the concept(s) selected by the Halle Foundation for further consideration. 

Prior to submitting an LOI, you must have an LOI Discussion with Halle Foundation Staff. Once an LOI is submitted, every request goes through an evaluation process by the Halle Foundation Staff utilizing the strategic direction set by the Board of Directors. Staff will present their evaluation to the Grants Committee. Halle Foundation Staff will notify you via email if your LOI is approved, and what concept(s) are approved to submit a full Application.

What is the process after I submit an application?

The Halle Foundation has a two-stage grant proposal process:

  1. Schedule an LOI Discussion with Halle Foundation Staff as you prepare and submit your LOI with up to three (3) concepts for consideration. 
  2. Submit a full Application for the concept(s) selected by the Halle Foundation for further consideration. 

Once an Application is submitted, every request goes through a thorough due diligence assessment. This stage of the process includes application review and further analysis of the organization’s board involvement, leadership stability, and overall financial health. Halle Foundation Staff will schedule a meeting with the organization and further due diligence will be conducted. Staff will present their evaluation to the Board of Directors at the next scheduled board meeting. The Board meets three times a year to discuss grant applications. Halle Foundation Staff will notify you via phone and/or email of the Board’s decision on the Application.

How will I be notified of a decision?

  • Applicants will receive an email confirmation from the Halle Foundation’s online grants management system when any inquiries (LOI and Application) are submitted. 
  • Applicants will be notified via email if your LOI is approved, and what concept(s) are approved to submit a full Application.
  • Applicants will be notified by phone and/or email as to the board’s decision on the Application.

What are the deadlines for proposals?

The Halle Foundation Grant has a two-stage grant proposal process:

  1. Schedule an LOI Discussion with Halle Foundation Staff as you prepare and submit your LOI with up to three (3) concepts for consideration.
  2. Submit a full Application for concept(s) selected by the Halle Foundation for further consideration.

The Halle Foundation has three grant cycles per year. The Halle Foundation Board meets three times per year to make grant decisions. The deadlines for each stage of the process are listed below:

LOI Concept Due Date

Application Due Date

Board Meeting

November 15th

January 13th


February 15th

April 11th


July 15th

September 19th



Can I send extra items such as video/audio tapes, newspaper articles, DVDs, etc?

The only applications that will be reviewed are those submitted through the online grants portal. Please only provide materials that are requested as attachments in the online application. Do not email or mail in any materials unless specifically requested from the Halle Foundation.

Does the Foundation make site visits?

The Foundation staff may ask to conduct a site visit as part of the due diligence and decision-making process. All requests brought to the Board of Directors for consideration reflect a thorough program staff review and a site visit by Foundation staff and/or the board members may be requested. 

What are the sizes of grants (i.e., how much should we request)?

Grant amounts vary depending on the scope of the project. Organizations are required to apply are encouraged to have a discussion with Halle Foundation staff.

If I have received a grant, when can I reapply?

Organizations can reapply for funding upon successful completion of their existing grant period and the Halle Foundation receiving their final report. 

Organizations that have had funding for five (5) consecutive years must wait a minimum of one (1) year from their grant end date before the Halle Foundation will consider another request.

If my LOI or Application was declined, when can I reapply?

Organizations that had an LOI or Application declined must wait a minimum of one (1) year from the decision date before the Halle Foundation will consider another request.

What is the relationship of the Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation to Discount Tire?

The Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation is an independent private philanthropy organization operating separately from Discount Tire.